Progress and equations related to EU accession to the Indo-Pacific

The European Union (EU) is emphasizing its strong presence and building closer ties in the Indo-Pacific, as evidenced by the “European Union’s Strategy for Cooperation in the Indo-Pacific”.

The President of the European Commission has expressed the opinion that “if Europe is to become a more active global representative, it also needs to focus on the next generation of partnerships.” In addition to the Indo-Pacific strategy, the European Union is also considering launching a ‘Global Gateway’ plan to compete with China’s ‘Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Recently, all member countries such as Germany, France, and the Netherlands have begun to adopt the concept of Indo-Pacific and are also integrating it with their national security strategies. These member countries have played an important role in motivating the European Union to adopt the Indo-Pacific as a strategic concept.

EU’s Indo-Pacific Strategy

Sustainable Supply Chains: The primary objective of this engagement with Indo-Pacific partners is to build more resilient and sustainable global value chains.

Partnerships with like-minded countries: It appears that the EU strategy is currently focused more on strengthening already established partnerships in the Indo-Pacific region and developing new partnerships with like-minded countries so that India To ensure its role and growing presence in the Pacific region.

Willingness to cooperate with ‘Quad’ members: The European Union wishes to cooperate with ‘Quad’ member countries in topics such as climate change, technology, and vaccines.

Additionally, given China’s expansionist tendencies in the West-Pacific region and its growing influence in the Indian Ocean, the European Union considers cooperation with the ‘Quad’ countries in the Indo-Pacific as important.

The European Union feels the need to play a greater role in Asia, assume greater responsibility, and have an influence on the affairs of the region, as the future of Asia lies with Europe.

Defense and security are important elements of the EU’s Indo-Pacific strategy, which aims to promote an ‘independent and rules-based regional security architecture through secure communications, capacity building and a naval presence in the Indo-Pacific.

Progress and equations related to EU accession to the Indo-Pacific

The importance of the Indo-Pacific region for the European Union

The establishment of a country like Denmark, with a population of just six million, with India, confirms that even the smallest countries of Europe can contribute a lot to India’s economic, technological and social transformation.

Even a small country – ‘Luxembourg’ has vast financial power, while ‘Norway’ can provide India with impressive maritime technologies, Estonia is an important cyber power, ‘The Czech Republic’ is a strong power in the field of optoelectronics, Portugal The ‘Lusophone’ may have served as a gateway into the land, while Slovenia provides a commercial access to the main region of Europe through its Adriatic seaport located in ‘Koper’.

Now that India is beginning to understand these possibilities, new avenues are also opening with the European Union of 27 countries.

The European Union and the Indo-Pacific are natural partner regions in terms of trade and investment.

The European Union is a top investor, a leading provider of development cooperation, and one of the largest trading partners in the Indo-Pacific.

The Indo-Pacific and Europe together account for more than 70% of global trade in goods and services and account for more than 60% of foreign direct investment flows.

Trade exchanges between the Indo-Pacific and Europe are greater than in any other geographic region in the world.

The Indo-Pacific region is home to some of the world’s major waterways such as the Strait of Malacca, the South China Sea, and the Bab al-Mandeb Strait, which are of great importance to the EU’s trading activities.


Effects of the EU’s Indo-Pacific Strategy

Contribution to regional security: A strong Europe with wide geopolitical outreach is very favorable for India. India is aware that Europe cannot match the military capability of the US in the Indo-Pacific. But it can significantly help strengthen the military balance and contribute to regional security in many other ways.

Europe can significantly increase India’s ability to influence future outcomes in the Indo-Pacific. It can also provide a valuable complement to India’s ‘Quad’ alliance with Australia, Japan, and the United States.

Military Security with Development Infrastructure: The EU’s Indo-Pacific strategy is likely to have far more rapid and broader implications for the region than military security.

It covers a wide range of topics from trade and investment to green partnerships, from building quality infrastructure to digital partnerships, and from strengthening regional governance to promoting research and innovation.

Multipolar world: Europe is being seen as an important power in the scenario of diminishing prospects for Southeast Asia due to the deepening conflict between the US and China, which could open the door to wider strategic options for the region.

The same approach exists in India, which now sees the EU as a key element in building a multipolar world.

related issues

Some Asian countries view Europe with strategic skepticism, while many others see it as a valuable partner.

There are also other imminent issues that the Indo-Pacific region is facing and that could impact the security interests of European countries themselves, such as the potential risks of emerging technologies, ensuring supply chain resilience, and combating propaganda.

Given the region’s limited combined military capabilities and continued reliance on the US, the military dimension of the security agenda is not yet deeply understood.

Other issues such as joint military exercises, ensuring freedom of navigation, and combating piracy are also important, where France and Germany have previously engaged in joint military exercises with other countries in the Indo-Pacific region.

way ahead

EU member states need to better adjust their engagement with China and within the region, and the EU’s role in this matter should be further refined.

The EU’s cooperation with partners needs to be strengthened and it must demonstrate its importance as an alternative sustainable model.

If the EU wants to lead and pursue its comprehensive vision in the Indo-Pacific, a coherent and coordinated action with India, ASEAN, Japan, Australia, and the UK is the only option.

Implementation of joint projects to promote digital connectivity can be the first step in this direction.


India should welcome the entry of the European Union into the Indo-Pacific region, as Europe with its vast economic influence, technological capability and regulatory power can promise a multipolar world and a rebalanced Indo-Pacific that will meet India’s own wishes and requirements. suited to the needs.

India’s strategy includes “engaging America, controlling China, creating opportunities for Europe, convincing Russia, making Japan a partner.” The need is also to emphasize ways of creating opportunities for Europe.

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