IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25th August Shift 4 Questions & Level

IBPS has successfully concluded the last shift of IBPS Clerk Prelims exam i.e. Shift 4 of 24th August (Day 2). Now candidates are eager to know the exam analysis including difficulty level, good attempts and type of questions asked. This article provides detailed IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam 2024, 25th August Shift 4 to help candidates understand the pattern and prepare better for future shifts or exams.

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25th August Shift 4

IBPS Clerk Prelims 2024 Shift 4 on 25th August was a balanced exam with an easy difficulty level. Many candidates have shared their exam experiences with us, and based on them the StudyToper.in team has prepared this analysis. Candidates who managed their time well and prepared strongly in all three sections should be confident about their performance.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25th August Shift 4: Difficulty Level

The overall difficulty level of the IBPS Clerk preliminary exam 2024 held in Shift 4 on August 25 was easy. While some questions were a bit challenging, most candidates found the paper manageable with a balanced mix of easy and moderately difficult questions.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25th August Shift 4: Difficulty Level
Stream difficulty level
Reasoning Ability Easy
Numerical Ability Easy
English Language Easy
overall Easy

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25th August Shift 4: Good Attempts

Based on the analysis, a total of 78-85 attempts with good accuracy will be considered as a safe score in this shift. The expected cut-off for IBPS Clerk Prelims 2024 is expected to vary as per the state, but considering the easy difficulty level of this shift, the cut-off may be higher than previous years.

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25th August Shift 4: Good Attempts
Stream good efforts
Reasoning Ability 26-30
Numerical Ability 24-27
English Language 22-24
overall 78-85

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25th August Shift 4: Section-wise Analysis

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25th August Shift 4 was well structured, with a balanced distribution of questions across all sections. While some sections, such as Reasoning Ability and Quantitative Aptitude, included some challenging questions, the English Language section was relatively easy. Candidates with thorough preparation and effective time management cleared the exam comfortably. The shift was consistent with previous IBPS Clerk exams, with no unexpected questions.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25th August Shift 4: Reasoning Ability

As expected, in this section, puzzles and seating arrangement dominated the reasoning part which consisted of easy to moderate level questions. Other questions were simple which were easy for most of the candidates.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25th August Shift 4: Reasoning Ability
Subject Number of questions
Puzzle(comparison) (7 person height) 03
Puzzle (Box-Based) 05
Puzzle (Floor Based- 8pp.) 05
Seating Arrangement (Indefinite Linear) (16 persons) 03
Seating Arrangement (Parallel Row – North-South) 05
Inequality 04
Direction and distance 03
Number-symbol series 05
Pair Formation (Number Based) 01
Word based (ascending order) 01
Total 35

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25th August Shift 4: Numerical Ability

In Numerical Aptitude, two sets of DI, one based on Line Graph and the other based on Table, were moderately challenging but doable with practice and arithmetic questions covering topics such as Profit and Loss, Time and Work, and Simple and Compound Interest, etc.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25th August Shift 4: Numerical Ability
Subject Number of questions
Simplification 10
Arithmetic (Partnership, Age, Time and Work, CI-SI, Average, Boats and Streams and Mensuration) 15
Data Interpretation (Table) 05
DI (Line Graph) 05
Total 35

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25th August Shift 4: English Language

As usual, the passages in this section were straightforward, with a focus on women empowerment. The questions were mainly factual, making this section relatively easy for those who have good reading and comprehension skills. Other questions tested candidates’ understanding of basic grammar rules.

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Analysis 2024, 25th August Shift 4: English Language
Subject Number of questions
Reading Comprehension(Women Empowerment) 10
for the hassles 05
Fillers 04
error detection 04
Word Swap 02
phrase replacement 05
Total 30

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25th August Shift 1
IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25th August Shift 2
IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25th August Shift 3

IBPS Clerk Exam Analysis 2024, 25th August Shift 4: Video Link

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern 2024

The preliminary exam for IBPS Clerk consists of 03 sections i.e. Reasoning Ability, Numerical Ability and English Language. A total of 100 questions asked in the exam and candidates have to complete it in 60 minutes (20 minutes for each section).

IBPS Clerk Prelims Exam Pattern 2024
Section Number of questions Maximum Marks Duration
Reasoning Ability 35 35 20 minutes
Numerical Ability 35 35 20 minutes
English Language 30 30 20 minutes
Total 100 100 60 minutes


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