Pandit S.N. Shukla University, Shahdol (M.P) M.Sc. MATHEMATICS SEMESTER-IV Paper III -Jacobi Polynomials and H- Function II Syllabus
Theory Paper : Max. Marks- 42
Internal Assessment: Max. Marks- 08
Note: The question paper will consist of three sections A, B&C. Section A will consist of 7 dejective type questions cach cary ing I marks, section B will consist of 5 short answer ty pe questions each carrying 3 marks and section C will consist of 2 long answer type questions each carrying 10 marks. Section B&C will have internal choice.
Unit 1- Differentiation formulas of H-function of one variable, Partial derivatives with respect to parameters. Contiguous relation and simple expansion formula.
Unit 2- The H-function of two variables, Definition and notation. Asymptotic behavior, elementary properties, Special cases.
Unit 3- Derivatives, Contiguous relations, Total count of recurrences, Definite integrals of H- function of one variable.
Unit 4- Finite summation formula for the Il-function of two variables Double & Triple integrals of H-function of one variable.
Unit 5- Method and scheme for obtaining sum of finite or infinite series. Double summation formulas.
Recommended Books:
[1] E.D. Rainville, Special Functions, The Macmillan Co., New York, 1971.
[2] H.M.Srivastava, K.C.Gupta and S.P.Goyal, The H-function of One and Two variables with applications, South Asian Publication, New Delhi.
Reference Books:
[1] N.N.Lebdev, Special functions and their applications, Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, USA, 1965.
[2] E.T. Whittaker and G.N. Watson, A Course of Modern Analysis, Cambridge University Press, London, 1963.