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SYLLABUS: Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Course Compulsory Paper 1st Year CC 1. Education in India- Status, Problems, and Issues

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SYLLABUS: Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Course
Compulsory Paper
1st Year
CC 1. Education in India- Status, Problems, and


• To develop a perception of the role and functions of a teacher as envisaged in
the NPE 1986 and to familiarize the Student Teacher with the different
projects and schemes at the Secondary level in M.P. 
• To develop an understanding of the brief historical background of Indian
Education with special reference to Secondary Education. 
• To develop an understanding of the objectives and scope of Secondary Education. 
• To develop an awareness of professional ethics. 
SYLLABUS: Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) Course Compulsory Paper 1st Year CC 1. Education in India- Status, Problems, and Issues


UNIT 1: Concept of Education – 

• Indian and Western. Aims of Education; Functions of Education. 
• Education as an instrument of Social Control, Social Change, 
• Preservation of Cultural Heritage and Values. 
• School and the society, Culture and Education, School as a Social System.
Agencies of Education – Informal, Formal, and Non-formal. 

UNIT 2: Salient Features of Ancient Indian Education – 

• Vedic, Buddhist, Islamic 
• Tradition in Education. 
• Major landmarks of the British System of Education in Colonial India particularly
from the viewpoint of Aims, Structure, Curricula and Methods of Education. 
• Efforts towards evolving a national system of Education. 

Unit -3: Secondary Education 

• General Aims and Objectives of Secondary Education and Structure., Education
during Post Independence Period. Constitutional provisions for education, Secondary Education commission 1952-53, Education Commission 1964-66,
New Education Policy 1986 with programs of Action 1992, 
• Different streams of Secondary Education 1) C.B.S.E. 2) I.C.S.E. and 3)
KSEEB with respect to curriculum.4) Examination System etc., 
• Secondary School Teacher – Qualifications, Competences, Job Profile,
Professional Code of Ethical conduct. 
• Role of Secondary school teacher in Emerging India. 

Unit – 4: Teacher Education and Secondary School Curriculum 

• Status, Aims and Objectives of Teacher Education in India. 
• Role and Resposibilities of NCTE NCERT, DSERT, CTE, IASE 
• Professional organisation in the field of Teacher education 
• Rastriya Madhyamika Shikshana Abiyana (RMSA), NCF-2005 
• Programmes for enhancing efficiency and productivity of school teachers- Inservice training – orientation and content enrichment programmes. 

Assignments: (Any two of the following.) 

• Prepare and execute a plan for making at least two children and one
adult literate from the community. 
• Plan and organize a field trip/excursion to a nearby area of
educational important and submit a report. 
• Visit to block or district and divisional educational offices and study their
educational management pattern and submit the report. 
• Prepare one project for institutional planning. 
• Critically Study the working of one of the parent-teacher associations
in any two secondary schools. 
• A critical survey of co-curricular activities in secondary schools. 


* Anand C. L. et al., (1993) Teacher and Education in the emerging Indian society NCERT New Delhi. 
* Coombs Philips H (1985) The World Crisis in Education. New York. Oxford University Press, New York 
* Delors, Jaeques (1996) Learning the Treasure within Report to UNESCO of the Internal Commission on Education for Twenty-First Century UNESCO. 
* Dewey I (1952) Experience in Education, Collier Macmillan. 
* Dewey S (1956) Democracy in Education New York: Macmillan. 
* Gandhi M. K. (1956) Basic Education, Ahmedabad Nalijiban. 
* Government of India (1952) Report of the Secondary Education Commission, New

Final Words

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